3352 Berkmar Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 google map
Office: 434-296-9091
Kitchen: 434-296-3294
Fax: 434-296-9644
Please view ourĀ Employment Page for available full and part time positions. Feel free to email staffing@hmcatering.com if you have additional questions.
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How did you find us? -Attended a Harvest Moon eventBorrowed and BlueInternet SearchReferralThe KnotVenue ReferralWedding WireOther [group findusgroup]
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Event Date
Guest Count
Budget for Food, Rentals, & Staff
Occasion -Birthday PartyCorporateFundraiserHoliday PartyPrivateWeddingOther [group occasiongroup]
Style of Service -BuffetCocktail PartyFamily StylePlatedStationsOther [group servicegroup]
Location (if none put TBD)
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